Adult Leagues - Individual Interest    (November 2014)
Adult Leagues - Individual Interest Standings
No data available.
Adult Leagues - Individual Interest Schedule
No games scheduled. Please call for the latest information.
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Coed Open (Over 18)
Division: 1, 2, 3
Sport: All Sport (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 11/9/2014
End Date: 11/7/2015
Status: Complete
Team Fee:
Other Fee Info: No Fee Required at this Time
More Info: Please share your contact information and identify which league you are interested in. There is no fee at this time. We will work on finding you a team that is looking for additional players. If we are able to match you up with a team they will let you know the fee. The following leagues are available:

Women's Soccer (Mondays)
Coed B Soccer (Competitive)(Tuesdays)
Coed C Soccer (Recreational)(Tuesdays)
Men's C Soccer (Sundays)
Men's B Soccer (Mondays)
Men's >30 Soccer (Thursdays)